Thursday, November 3, 2011

Designing on a Moral

We all as designers have dreams of what we want to design in the future, whether it be designing for the rich and famous or commercial interiors for the mentally disabled. While both of those are great dreams and ideas of your future career path I got to thinking what wouldn’t I design. There isn’t much I would turn down when it comes to what I was given to design especially in this economy. I would be happy to take what ever was given to me. There must be something out there that I just couldn’t design. The reason I wouldn’t be able to design it would have to be for reasons that went against my morals and beliefs. Some people look at morals as your religion, your political stand point, or maybe even your ethics. I base my morals mostly off of my religion and treating others how I would like to be treated. So when this idea of what I wouldn’t design came up as did the idea of designing an abortion clinic.
            Do I think I could ever muster up the courage to design something as gruesome as an abortion clinic? If my boss told me I had to design this clinic or I would be let go, do I think I could still do it? I think I would really have to look at my life at that moment and decide whether this job and the company I am with is really worth staying with. Is this company and job are really worth me going completely against what I stand for just to make a pay check? Honestly I don’t know. I want to think that I would say no to the job and quit, but we all know that in this economy doing so would be a death sentence. I need to realize now before stepping into the “real corporate world” of design that some jobs I have to work on might not be all unicorns and sprinkles, and that if I want to survive in this profession I better just bite the bullet and do what I was trained to do, DESIGN.

1 comment:

  1. I like your honesty. With me I think I would attempt to design any space expect for a ones that lock only on the outside and look more like torture rooms than anything else. Unless its mandated of-course.
